Mining machines request

Mining machines request form


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Mining machinery, crusher, mining plant, mobile plant, batching plant, vibrating screen, more ...


Horizontal impact crusher - Kubit

Horizontal shaft impactors are secondary crushers which utilize rotor impact hammers and impact anvils to achieve high production tonnages and improved aggregate particle shape. The rugged durability and easy maintenance of horizontal shaft impactors ensure less downtime and reduced wear costs for the operators.
The crusher housing consists of high quality stress relieved electro-cast steel and is equipped with service doors. The entire housing is equipped with easily replaceable highly wear-resistant lining.
Wear life is greatly increased by using 6 reversible hammers which can be adjusted 3 additional times. Hammers are attached to the rotor by specially designed steel retaining wedges, facilitating easy replacement.

Technical and production capacity of our horizontal impact crushers:


Horizontal impact crusher - Kubit



Horizontal impact crusher - Kubit photo gallery




 Impact Crusher 1213

