Mining machines request

Mining machines request form


Language / زبان /

TR - Türkiye AR - Arabian العربیه RU - Russia - Россия FR - France - République française FA - Persian پارسی

Mining machinery, crusher, mining plant, mobile plant, batching plant, vibrating screen, more ...

about Kobesh machineWe were starting in The Kobesh Machine Industrial group with manufacturing of various mine & construction machinery like: 

Conveying, screening, classifying & crushing machines. Our group, currently continues its activities in modern factory.
Over the years kobesh Machine CO. and its affiliates have grown to become a regional leader in the manufacturing of crushing, feeding, screening, conveying, concrete batching plant, asphalt plants, and numerous other industrial machineries .

This document briefly describes the products that we design, manufacture and market under kobesh machine brand name.
Take a closer look at kobesh machine ind group .We are ready to meet your specific requirements, from single crushers or asphalt plant, and complete rock processing plants .All supported by a highly efficient after-sales service.